Post #2 - Experience in blogging

Wow, my first professional blog entry. I plan to use this blog to capture thoughts about Digital Writing and allow others to view my logs and comment if they wish. Many blog entries will originate from questions laid out by our course on Digital Writing, so you may see questions from the course set as headers.

First quesiton you probably have is, "Where's Post #1?" Well, I think we were suppose to setup a blog and already have an etry before the first class. However, I've always had a rule "Don't do anything before the first class." In fact I never really attended many first classes in collage, because I was registered for the class yet. I learned that there is always one student who drops the course after the first day, so I never rerally worried about getting into the classes I needed. Besides, most class just review the syllabus the first day. (Well that was before grad school that is) So onto the questions our course is curious about...

What experience do you have with blogging?
I have several blogs through Blogspot, but none of them have really materialized. I think part of it was that the audience wasn't really tech savy. Some were for grad school, others were for work (professional development). Unfortunately there were people in both situations that didn't know how to work it and so little response was seen. There's always hope that even after the course or proefessional development ended people would stay in touch, but they never did.

My most successful experience with blogging is from my wife's idea to capture our baby's journey on a blog. It has continued interest, updating, and meaningful engagement. I don't think we have had anybody really comment on anything, maybe my wife's cousin who loves baby pics, but nothing too deep really.

How do they enhance or hinder your communication with others?
I see blogging as something with great potential. I total dig the idea that people are interacting with each other and even supporting/extending ideas. To me the biggest enhancement is the continued practice of synthesizing what's being read and churning in your own thoughts. The tough part is in getting everyone there. Ability range, meaningful use/topics, access to technology, etc. are all things hindering some people taking it to the next level. What exactly is the next level? I think as a teacher there is a believe that a next level exists, but what exactly it is and looks like is clear as mud.

What potentials do you see it having in your classroom?
Things are a little more limited in the blogging world when it comes to intermediate elementary. There are some parents and teachers who want it to be a contained and controlled environment. To answer such concerns our district made ties with Unfortunately it is very limiting. A user is stuck with the websites template and formate of blogging. Personalization is seen in some ways, but has a controlled feel to it. I think it is a great beginning to students to start in the blogging world, and hopefully when they get into middle school the reins will be let loose a little.

This year I plan on using to help students connect with books and other reading they will have throughout the year. Think of it like a reader's journal. My plan is to use composition books at first to get the idea of journaling out there, but gradually switch to a blogging format and discuss with students how it changed their journaling experience.


  Janice Laven

September 21, 2009 at 6:46 PM

What a captivating image you posted! Very eye-catching!
Thanks for sharing your page with me last week. I am so relieved that I don't have to lug home my students' reading response notebooks anymore. Having them write on will allow their classmates to read their responses too! I am interested in collaborating with you on and/or student blogs. Did you view the video posted on Day 1 of Digital writing: A Vision of K-12 Students...? Let us Create. Janice


September 23, 2009 at 6:54 PM

Zach, Great blog graphic! Also, I met with Molly Schroeder and she is helping me set up a blogging site using E-blogger. I will keep you posted. Nice start to your blog. Also, I like the "don't do anything before the first class" advice. Except I thought you said "do the second week's assignment before the first class." or something like that. Paul